Monday, July 27, 2009

Starting to Live

So excited to return home from my mini 2 day vacation that my family and I took, so I can start blogging and telling the world what I have been holding inside for so long. I always knew that I had so much to share but just didn't have a platform on which to do it and didn't know how to go about doing it. I have always been that person that anyone can count on for advice and encouragement in any area that was familiar to me. I have always wanted to help the world and it was on this trip that I got the answer to my questions. For the first time, I was quiet and asked God to do the talking. This trip, that I really wasn't excited about in the beginning turned out to be a turning point for my life. It was on this trip that I said, "I would stop just existing and that I would start living". I have always took care of others and never really had time for me but helping and encouraging others always kept me sane, it was like therapy. I've been through tough times and life changing experiences so if I can help just one person by them hearing what I've been through then I've helped myself in the process. So, during my conversation with God I found a way to help myself and help others and that's through blogging. I have so much to share and so much to learn but I am so excited to share with everyone my experiences, goals, and aspirations. We will stop just existing and start living together one blog at a time.

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